
We developed our storytelling formula around these seven core pillars:

Since 2016, we’ve used this formula to craft “legacy style” video content for entrepreneurs, business owners, inventors, athletes, foundations, estates, businesseses, and more. 


What shaped our subject? What’s their backstory?


What drives them? What motivates them?


What’s their outlook? Their philosophy?


What are their future goals? What do they still hope to achieve?


What adversity have they faced? How did they approach those obstacles?


What are their key accomplishments? What milestones are they the most proud of?


How have they impacted those around them? How have they contributed to society?

It’s our passion. Our story. Our legacy.

What is Legacy-Style Video Content?

Long-form or Short-form? The Two Types: 

type 1

This is a full on character-driven documentary that focuses on the life journey of a specific subject or subjects. These are films that can vary in length— anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. We focus extensively on the history, passion, process, challenges, successes, impact, and future goals of the subject(s). Once the film is complete, you own the rights to it and can do with it as you please! Legacy documentaries can be for anyone with a significant story looking to preserve their legacy.

type 2

These are short-form video deliverables that follow the same storytelling framework as Type 1. The difference is, there are multiple short deliverables as opposed to one, long-form deliverables. This type is generally more appealing to companies looking to enhance their digital presence through story-driven video content. The amount of deliverables vary case-by-case and the length of each deliverable is generally 30 seconds to 1 minute. These videos are great for social content, marketing campaigns, and operational collateral (i.e. recruitment videos)

Can I use a Legacy Documentary for my Company?

What does the Process Look Like?

We Craft our Stories Around this Psychological Hierarchy

Can I use a Legacy Documentary for my Company?

What does the Process Look Like?

We Craft our Stories Around this Psychological Hierarchy